Name: V
Race: Human
Experience: 170
Agility d10; Smarts d12; Spirit d10; Strength d10; Vigor d10
Pace 6; Parry 9; Charisma 2; Toughness 9
Hindrances: Loyal, Out of My League, Ruthless (m), Ugly, Vengeful (M), Wanted (M)
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Ambidextrous, Quick, Combat Reflexes, Improved Nerves of Steel, Quick Draw, Improved First Strike, Two-Fisted, Counterattack, Charismatic, Scholar (Computers & Explosives), Thief, Level Headed, Florentine, Dodge, Martial Artist, Frenzy, Marksman
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d12, Knowledge (Computers) d8, Knowledge (Explosives) d8, Intimidation d8, Lockpicking d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Stealth d10, Throwing d10, Taunt d6
Inventory: Black Clothes, Cape and Hat; Guy Fawkes Mask, Knife ×8 (Str+d4; 3/6/12)
Super Powers:
- Extra Actions (6): 2 additional actions.
- Super Attribute (16): Agility +2, Spirit +1, Strength +3, Vigor +2.
- Super Edges (6): Combat Reflexes, Improved Nerves of Steel.
- Super Skills (5): Fighting +1, Knowledge (Computers) +1, Knowledge (Explosives) +1, Stealth +1, Throwing +1.
- Toughness +2 (2): Reinforced skeleton.
Today we have V, the infamous vigilante single-handedly returning power to the people of England. I will also throw this in, because I love this movie:
"The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous."
Name: V
Race: Human
Experience: 270
Agility d10; Smarts d12; Spirit d10; Strength d10; Vigor d10
Pace 6; Parry 9; Charisma 2; Toughness 9
Hindrances: Loyal, Ruthless, Ugly, Vengeful (M), Wanted (M)
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Ambidextrous, Quick, Quick Draw, Combat Reflexes, Thief, Level Headed, Improved Nerves of Steel, Scholar (Computers & Explosives), Charismatic, Two-Fisted, Counterattack, Florentine, Improved First Strike, Strong Willed, Dodge, Martial Artist, One Final Effort, Frenzy, Marksman
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d12, Knowledge (Computers) d8, Knowledge (Explosives) d8, Intimidation d8, Lockpicking d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Stealth d10, Throwing d10, Taunt d8
Inventory: Black Clothes, Cape and Hat; Guy Fawkes Mask, Knife x8 (Str+d4; 3/6/12)
Super Powers:
- Extra Actions (6): 2 additional actions.
- Super Attribute (12): Agility +1, Spirit +1, Strength +2, Vigor +2.
- Toughness +2 (2): Reinforced skeleton.
Known simply as V, this vigilante is a man who was kidnapped, tortured, and violated in a conspiracy that created the new English government. At 20 Power Points, he is one of the only Pulp Heroes we've seen thus far.
He is a master of hand to hand combat, explosives, technological exploitation (aka hacking), literature, persuasion, and culture, and uses these to great effect to incite anarchy and rebellion. His ultimate feat of combat is killing nearly a dozen men in only a couple rounds of combat, while heavily wounded.
The experimentation that occurred at the Larkhill facility left V tough, strong, and fast; the rest of his abilities simply came through almost two decades of training.
There isn't much more to him! Leave questions, comments, etc below as per the norm.
He is a master of hand to hand combat, explosives, technological exploitation (aka hacking), literature, persuasion, and culture, and uses these to great effect to incite anarchy and rebellion. His ultimate feat of combat is killing nearly a dozen men in only a couple rounds of combat, while heavily wounded.
The experimentation that occurred at the Larkhill facility left V tough, strong, and fast; the rest of his abilities simply came through almost two decades of training.
There isn't much more to him! Leave questions, comments, etc below as per the norm.