Monday, March 30, 2015


Backing up from hobbits to do the last of the famous Fellowship trio, we're gonna tackle Aragorn, ranger of the north and the new king of Gondor.

I've also gone back and updated V as a Street Fighter rather than a Pulp Hero. It seemed appropriate, considering his enemy.

Name: Aragorn II Elessar
Race: Human
Experience: 160 (Legendary)
Agility d8; Smarts d8; Spirit d8; Strength d10; Vigor d8
Pace 6; Parry 9; Charisma 0; Toughness 6
Hindrances: Heroic, Outsider, Poverty
Edges: Alertness, Noble, Woodsman, Marksman, Level Headed, Counterattack, Command, Beast Bond, Frenzy, Sweep, Combat Sense, Block, Hold the Line!
Skills: Fighting d12, Healing d6, Knowledge (Battle) d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Riding d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Survival d8, Throwing d6, Tracking d8
Inventory: Leather Vambrace ×2 (Armor +1), Elven Dagger (Str+d4+1), Anduril (Str+d10, Parry –1), Elven Cloak (Stealth +2), Longbow (2d6, 15/30/60), Quiver, Arrows ×20, Bedroll, Blanket, Whetstone. Prior to Return of the King, he possessed a Long Sword (Str+d8) and uses a Chainmail vest (Armor +2) at Helm's Deep.

The northern rangers are a withdrawn, secretive bunch. While they aren't hated, it is easy to distrust them from the stories that make their way south (Outsider). Living off the land, they also rarely keep gold on their person (Woodsman & Poverty). Aragorn himself is a battle-hardened veteran; over the years that he spent among both the elves and the rangers, he was taught both swordsmanship and expertise with a bow, as well as a little bit of elven magic to help calm beasts.

Aragorn is the only living descendant of Isildur, and as such is the one true king of Gondor. He tries to keep this on the down-low, but it really helps him talk his way out of things when he needs to. During the War of the Ring, he received an elven cloak and dagger at Lothlorien, but was later provided with Anduril, an elven-forged great sword from the shards of Narsil, indicating Aragorn's rightful place as the king of Gondor.

There's the quintessential ranger for you guys! Like Legolas, he's not nearly as XP-loaded as I was expecting, instead punching in at a pretty reasonable level. Leave questions, comments, and so forth below!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Today, we're going to take a look at an unassuming pair of Hobbits. No, not the pair that brought the Ring to Mordor, but even less assuming Hobbits than them. First, the brains of the bunch: Merry.

Name: Meriadoc Brandybuck
Race: Hobbit
Experience: 20 (Seasoned)
Agility d6; Smarts d8; Spirit d8; Strength d6–1; Vigor d6
Pace 6; Parry 5; Charisma 0; Toughness 5 (1)
Hindrances: Size –1, Overconfident, Loyal, Quirk (prankster)
Edges: Lucky, Alertness, Scamper
Skills: Boating d4, Fighting d4, Knowledge (Cartography) d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Riding d4, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Throwing d8
Inventory: Short Sword (Str+d6), Dagger of Anuldurin (Str+d4+1), Leather Armor (Armor +1), Pot Helm (Armor +3, 50% vs head shot), Elven Cloak (Stealth +2)

One of Frodo's cousins, Meriadoc is an intelligent and brave hobbit. Before the War of the Ring, he found a profound interest in boats, maps, and ponies, and has always loved learning about the world outside of the Shire. He is always willing to step up to a challenge, even if the challenge is hardly one he's up to, especially if he has to help his friends. It's also tough to slip much by him, should he be looking.

At Rivendell, he was given an elven cloak and a magical dagger of elven design; it would prove to be crucial at the Battle of Pelennor Fields, when he used it to Wound the Witch-king of Angmar while Eowyn delivered the final blow. With the Rohirrim, he also received a short sword with armor (courtesy of King Theoden). He was also a fairly talented talker with a good throwing arm.

Obviously, though, one can't have Merry without his best friend...

Pippin—Fool of a Took

The faithful companion to Merry is his best friend Pippin. Along with Merry, he was kidnapped by orcs early into the Fellowship's journey, eventually befriending Treebeard the Ent before being sent to Gondor with Gandalf.

Name: Peregrin Took
Race: Hobbit
Experience: 20 (Seasoned)
Agility d8; Smarts d4; Spirit d8; Strength d6–1; Vigor d6
Pace 6; Parry 4; Charisma 0; Toughness 6 (2)
Hindrances: Size –1, Big Mouth, Curious, Loyal
Edges: Lucky, Luck, Common Bond
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d4, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Swimming d4, Taunt d6, Throwing d10
Inventory: Short Sword (Str+d6), Chain Shirt (Armor +2), Pot Helm (Armor +3, 50% vs head shot), Elven Cloak (Stealth +2)

Peregrin is more curious than a cat, without the brains to know when to stop: a dangerous combination. While the curiosity of Tooks is often the subject of Shire jokes, Pippin personifies this to a severe fault. On top of that, he is far from the best vessel for secrets unless you manage to sow his mouth shut yourself.

Despite his shortcomings, Pippin has a heart of gold and incredible luck. Along with this, he has an incredible throwing arm and a very impressive climbing ability, used to great effect in Gondor to light the beacons. He is a close friend of Frodo's and Merry's cousin to boot.

In Rivendell, he recieved the elven cloak and dagger, though the dagger was lost as he escaped into Fangorn Forest, and was given Faramir's old armor in Gondor.

Bringing our total number of Hobbits to three, we have the second most famous pair of adventuring hobbits in Middle-Earth. Leave questions, comments, and hobbit love below.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Gimli—Son of Gloin

The dwarf that began every stereotype of dwarves in almost any setting. Gimli is the second member of the Fellowship that we're going to look at, and it only seemed appropriate to put him up just after his rival.

Name: Gimli
Race: Dwarf
Experience: 90 (Legendary)
Agility d8; Smarts d6; Spirit d8; Strength d10; Vigor d10
Pace 5; Parry 8; Charisma 0; Toughness 10 (2)
Hindrances: Overconfident, Loyal, Quirk (hates Elves), Stubborn
Edges: Low Light Vision, Brawny, Two-Fisted, Improved Frenzy, Combat Reflexes, First Strike, Brawler, Counterattack, Sweep
Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Taunt d6, Throwing d8
Inventory: Great Axe (Str+d10, AP 1, Parry –1, 2 hands), Battle Axe ×2 (Str+d8), Throwing Axe ×2 (Str+d6, 3/6/12), Chain Hauberk (Armor +2), Pot Helm (Armor +3, 50% vs head shot), Elven Cloak (Stealth +2).

Regarding the race, dwarves in the Savage Worlds core rules are about identical to those in Tolkien lore. That said, Gimli is exceptionally strong and exceptionally tough for a dwarf. He is most certainly Brawny, considering the amount of axes he carries around, and he is a top notch fighter, able to hold his own side-by-side with Legolas. He can fight against a small army of orcs almost single-handedly, and probably believes he can handle a normal-sized army quite handily (Overconfident).

His right hook is about as hardy as his left axe (Brawler), and his throwing axes serve him very faithfully. While he isn't as alert or stealthy as he'd like to believe, he is beyond loyal and began to overcome his stubbornness and his disposition against elves during his quests alongside Legolas.

He is also disturbingly good at holding down his liquor.

There's everyone's favorite dwarf, folks! Leave questions, comments, and elf-hate below!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Legolas—Mirkwood Prince

Over the last few weeks, I've finally gone through and tackled one of my biggest Savaging projects to date: watching through the Extended Editions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and statting out the Fellowship. I heavily debated which of the Fellowship I should work on first, but in the end it seemed most fitting that I start with one of the most well-known character from the series: Legolas.

As an aside, I've also updated Spider-Man's entry, so it may be worth heading over to take a look!

Name: Legolas Greenleaf
Race: Elf
Experience: 220 (Legendary)
Agility d10; Smarts d8; Spirit d8; Strength d6; Vigor d8
Pace 6; Parry 8; Charisma 2; Toughness 6
Hindrances: Child of Fate (Bad Luck), All Thumbs, Loyal, Overconfident
Edges: Ageless, Immunity, Low Light Vision, Sleepless, Alertness, Noble, Acrobat, Quick Draw, Level Headed, Marksman, Improved Dodge, Frenzy, First Strike, Two-Fisted, Florentine, Ambidextrous, Combat Reflexes, Combat Archer, Quick, Double Shot, Steady Hands, Master (Shooting), Giant Killer
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d10, Riding d6, Shooting d12+2, Stealth d6, Throwing d8
Inventory: Elven Bow (2d6, 15/30/60), Short Sword ×2 (Str+d6), Leather Vambrace ×2 (Armor +1, Arms only), Quiver, Arrows ×20, Elven Cloak (Stealth +2 in the wilderness)

We aren't given a full picture of Legolas' past prior to the finding of the One Ring, but we do know that he is the Prince of the Mirkwood elves and an ungodly shot. These elves are also the Tolkien elves as opposed to the standard Savage Worlds elves, and Tolkien's elves are incredibly overpowered. Along with the Agility increase, they also gain Ageless, an Immunity to disease and poisons, low light vision, and only have to meditate for a few hours a night (as opposed to sleep); the trade-off being that they start with one less Benny per session.

Legolas is a highly alert and agile elf that was an instrumental part of Aragorn's team during the War of the Ring. He is an impossibly accurate shot with a bow, and was extensively trained in dual-wielding combat. Engaging him at any range is highly ill-advised, even given his relatively low-damage weapon.

Once the Fellowship reached Lothlorien, Legolas recieved a special elven bow and cloak, increasing his range and allowing him to almost hide in plain sight if he so wished. 

While Legolas isn't directly shown to have All-Thumbs, it can be inferred simply due to having never seen him interact with any mechanical objects whatsoever (and it doesn't appear to be inherent to elves as elven forges appear to be some of the greatest in the land). There is also a custom Edge, Combat Archer (cultivated by Zadmar), that allows Legolas to keep using his bow in melee, though when he needs to attack more folks at once, it's best to switch to his swords.

And then there we go: our first member of the Fellowship of the Ring! Honestly, he's not nearly as XP-loaded as I was expecting him to be. I'm excited to finally be finishing these and showing them off, and I hope you enjoy the ones to come! Leave questions and elf love down below!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pinkie Pie—Party Pony

We're approaching the end of the slow statting of the main characters of bronydom. This is a character who's fourth-wall sense can give Deadpool a run for his money. This uses Edges and information from my My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic conversion.

Name: Pinkamina Diane Pie
Race: Earth Pony
Cutie Mark: Three Balloons
Experience: 70 (Heroic)
Agility d10; Smarts d8; Spirit d8; Strength d6; Vigor d6
Pace 6; Parry 5; Charisma 0; Toughness 4
Hindrances: No Hands, Size –1, Big Mouth, Clueless, Mania (m), Quirk (prankster), Weird Magnet (m)
Edges: Cutie Mark, Alertness, Intuition, Luck, Danger Sense, Patterns in Chaos, Scavenger, Common Bond
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d6, Investigation d6, K (Baking) d6, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8, Taunt d6

All ponies begin with Size –1 and the No Hands Hindrance (being that they, in fact, have no hands), but can use their tails and mouths to generally manipulate things. They also begin with a Cutie Mark, which provides either a +2 bonus to relevant skills once per session, or a free Edge that ignores all requirements. In addition, Earth Ponies begin play with a d6 Vigor and one free Edge.

Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter... this is an odd character indeed.

So, I suppose we'll start with what's new. The Intuition Edge is a custom Edge of mine that let's a character spend a Benny and make a roll (based on the trapping; Smarts, Spirit, or Notice typically) to get a yes-or-no answer to any question they might know the answer to (if the GM cannot or will not give an answer, he may hand the Benny back). Weird Magnet is a setting specific Hindrance that causes odd and inexplicable things to happen to your character; the minor version means that these things are simply inconvenient and off-putting whilst the major can lead to serious injury. Patterns in Chaos is also setting specific as a sort of Improved Intuition, allowing the character to inexplicably know things relevant to the situation rather than a simple yes or no question; the limit of this is solely determined by the GM. Combined with Danger Sense, Pinkie's Pinkie Sense is pretty handily translated into the system.

Pinkie is an eccentric Earth Pony that works at Sugarcube Corner. She's a good cook, but she also has an uncanny intuition and general sense of things, even if her mannerisms make her seem a little bit clueless. She is also very dependent on her friends: when sad, her wacky hair deflates and she begins to slip a little farther into the crazy end of things. In addition, she has an uncanny ability to access hammer space (Scavenger). Pinkie has an impressive memory, never forgetting a name or a birthday, but she can sometimes be a little bit too eager to help.

That's a pretty good look at Pinkie. It's mostly mechanics, but the writers are pretty inconsistent with Pinkie's character, so I did my best to recreate her. Leave comments, questions, and fourth wall jokes below!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Malcolm Reynolds—Serenity's Captain

Mal needs no introduction. It was only a matter of time before we took a look at anyone played by Nathan Fillion, and it seemed best to start with one of his most famous gorram characters. He seems to be one of the more popular Savaging targets, having been serviced at least two other blogs off the top of my head.

This was actually only through my first viewing of Firefly & Serenity, so I may have missed information from the comics.

Name: Malcolm Reynolds
Race: Human
Experience: 100 (Legendary)
Agility d8; Smarts d8; Spirit d8; Strength d6; Vigor d8
Pace 6; Parry 7; Charisma 0; Toughness 6
Hindrances: Heroic, Outsider (m—Browncoat), Wanted (m)
Edges: Brave, Quick Draw, Level Headed, Combat Reflexes, Command, Natural Leader, Charismatic, Dodge, Nerves of Steel, Strong Willed
Skills: Fighting d10, Healing d4, Intimidation d6, Knowledge (Battle) d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Riding d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Streetwise d6, Taunt d6
Inventory: Revolver (2d6, AP 1, 12/24/48, Revolver, 5 Shots), brown coat

Mal is a veteran of the Unification War, serving with the Independents, and was a sergeant at Serenity Valley: one of the bloodiest battles of the war. As the Alliance took the upper hand and crushed the Independents, Mal bought a Firefly-class freighter and fled to the border worlds to try and survive by taking odd jobs and scratching out his living.

Mal is a good shot and very handy in a pinch, able to keep his head on straight long enough to think up a plan. He's been in a lot of scrapes, so it's only natural for him to be so good at figuring out ways to get out of them. He serves not only as the crew's captain, but as their face, helping to line up the jobs they need to keep flying.

He earned his Healing skill when Shepard was injured in a job gone south, and his Nerves of Steel as Niska tortured him upon capture. His ship, the Serenity, and her two shuttles, are shown below.

Name: Serenity
Large Ship: Size 12, Acc/TS 40/500, Climb 1, Toughness 34 (8), Crew 5+18, Cost $57.25M, Remaining Mods 3
Notes: Atmospheric, FTL Drive, 2×Hangar, Planetary Sensor Suite, 2×Speed, Superstructure (Bulk Cargo)

Name: Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Shuttle
Large Ship: Size 6, Acc/TS 50/700, Climb 3, Toughness 20 (5), Crew 1, Cost $2.14M, Remaining Mods 13
Notes: AMCM, Atmospheric, Planetary Sensor System, Sloped Armor

There you have yet another premier smuggler. Now we can settle all those debates of "Han vs Mal." Post questions and comments and death battle results below!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Leona—Radiant Dawn

Our first League Double Day in a while. This time around, we'll look at Leona: champion of the Solari.

Name: Leona
Race: Human
Experience: 100 (Legendary)
Agility d6; Smarts d6; Spirit d10; Strength d8; Vigor d8
Pace 6; Parry 9; Charisma 0; Toughness 9 (3)
Hindrances: Heroic, Pacifist (m), Vow (m—Solari)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Brave, Elan, Combat Reflexes, Strong Back, Rapid Recharge, Champion
Skills: Fighting d10, Faith d12, Notice d8, Investigation d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Power Points: 25
Spells: Eclipse (armor), Eclipse (blind), Zenith Blade (teleport), Zenith Blade (jet, 2d8, AP 4), Solar Flare (blast)
Inventory: Shield of Daybreak (Parry +2, Armor +3 vs Ranged), Zenith Blade (Str+d8), Solari Armor (Armor +3; Armor +1 vs a Raise)

A peace-loving girl in a tribe of warriors, Leona was chosen for service in the Solari: a sect that toss aside warmongering in favor of revering the sun. While she was quite a capable fighter, she believed in fighting only when necessary. This came to a head when she refused to fight in a death-battle for one of the Rakkor's relic weapons. As she stood to be executed, the executioners were blinded by the sun, and the Solari claimed Leona for their own, seeing in her the holy prowess of their founder.

Leona is a brave, competent fighter. Trained from birth in the arts of battle and sheltered by the Solari as she studied beneath them, she is a solid and terrifying mix of both worlds. She is clad in the armors of her order, and was gifted a sacred blade and shield, said to be used by the founder of their order.

Her spells are relatively straight translations of her abilities in the game. Eclipse bathes Leona in a veil of sunlight, and may be used to blind her opponents if need be. With a thrust of her sword, she can both cast forth a piercing beam of light, or transport herself short distances in a flash of brilliance. Should the need arise, she can call down fire from the sun itself, scorching the earth and any that stand upon it with Solar Flare.

Of course, with such power comes enemies, and the avatar of an ancient lunar tribe may be her greatest challenge yet...

Diana—Scorn of the Moon

As a contrast to our primary League hero for the day, it seemed appropriate to also do her rival: Diana.

Name: Diana
Race: Human
Experience: 100 (Legendary)
Agility d6; Smarts d8; Spirit d8; Strength d8; Vigor d6
Pace 6; Parry 8; Charisma 0; Toughness 7 (2)
Hindrances: Curious, Stubborn, Vow (m—destroy the Solari)
Edges: Alertnes, Arcane Background (Miracles), Sweep, Rapid Recharge, Combat Reflexes, Block, Frenzy, Level Headed
Skills: Fighting d10, Faith d10, Notice d8, Investigation d8, Riding d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6
Power Points: 20
Spells: Crescent Strike (bolt), Pale Cascade (deflect, 2d4 damage field on a Raise), Moonfall (stun), Lunar Rush (quickness)
Inventory: Moonsilver Blade (Str+d8), Lunar Armor (Armor +2)

Once a devout Solari scholar, Diana had always found a solace wandering the nights and questioned why things were as they are; why the moon was shunned while the sun was loved. These questions only served to given reason for her elders to mock her ideas and inquisitive nature. In her quest to try and prove that there was something to the moon's power, she discovered a lost temple which contained ornate armor and an exquisite blade, along with evidence that this society worshipped the moon long ago. This discovery, however, branded her a heretic. On the eve of her execution, however, the moon gave her the power she sought, allowing her to slaughter the Solari elders and escape.

Like Leona, Diana's abilities translate rather simply into Edges and powers. Her passive is represented by both Sweep and Frenzy. Her cresent strike simply costs more to affect more targets (representing the spell's curved nature) as the lunar energy is streched further and further. Her pale cascade is somewhat unique, letting her deflect incoming strikes, but may also damage an enemy if they get too close. Moonfall is merely stun with a gravitic trapping, pulling those in the area of effect to the center (whilst Diana is immune to the effect), and Lunar Rush is somewhat expanded upon within her origin comic (manifesting more as quickness rather than speed).

A duo with striking parallels, Leona and Diana were ripe for Savaging, and their abilities would not be out of place in your average adventuring party. Leave questions, comments, etc. below, and you'll be recieving quite the treat in our next entry...
